News Muse – Sex and the City: The Prequel & The Sequel
I almost wet my pants on Monday. It could have been from running for the bus in my Manolos (ok, ok, George of Asda), but more likely, it was from sheer excitement over finally owning my very own pink...
View ArticleCouch Potato at the Cinema: Sex and the City 2, plus Liza Minnelli, Miley...
SATC girls’ nights outs will be adding a sparkle to towns and cities up and down the country this weekend. There’s no doubt. Women just love this franchise. And the reason why is that it speaks to all...
View ArticleCouch Potato at the cinema: what I like and dislike about Carrie in Sex and...
DISLIKE: the fuss Carrie makes about Big’s fondness for his couch. What is wrong with loving your couch? I’m so glad that Sofa Spud and I are in tune over the couch thing. In fact we’re currently...
View ArticleCouch Potato at the cinema: what I like and dislike about Samantha in Sex and...
LIKE: I love how fabulous Samantha looks for her age. Can you believe that Kim Cattrall is 53? DISLIKE: her many hang-ups about the menopause and dependency on drugs. None of us stay young forever....
View ArticleCouch Potato at the cinema: what I like and dislike about Charlotte in Sex...
DISLIKE: that Charlotte is reluctant to leave her family when presented with Samantha‘s invitation to an all expenses trip to Abu Dhabi. DISLIKE: the ways she brings her kids along to gatherings with...
View ArticleCouch Potato at the Cinema: what I like and dislike about Miranda in Sex and...
LIKE: the way Miranda stands up to her misogynist boss. LIKE: her excuse for not dancing to Liza Minnelli’s version of Beyonce’s Single Ladies at Stanford and Anthony‘s wedding. LIKE: how she reads up...
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